The Midwest ML Symposium aims to convene regional machine learning researchers for stimulating discussions and debates, to foster cross-institutional collaboration, and to showcase the collective talent of ML researchers at all career stages. [past events]
Where: University of Chicago, Logan Center for the Arts
[Google Map]
Information about registration, accommodation, and transportation forthcoming.
The Midwest ML Symposium invites sponsors to have opportunities for exposure and connection with our community. In addition to supporting the regional Machine Learning community, you will be gratefully recognized in various media and materials, and have the opportunity to closely engage with symposium participants.
Information: Sponsors are encouraged to contact the Midwest ML Symposium local organizing committee. To discuss special requirements and to ask general questions regarding sponsorship of the Symposium, please contact Anne Brown at
Haifeng Xu (Co-chair, UChicago) | Chenhao Tan (Co-chair, UChicago) | Ce Zhang (UChicago) | Zhiyuan Li (TTIC) | Ruqi Zhang (Purdue) | Ren Wang (IIT) | Emma Alexander (Northwestern)
Haifeng Xu (Co-chair) | Chenhao Tan (Co-chair) | Rebecca Willett (Stats/CS) | David Uminsky (DSI) | Maria Fernandez (DSI) | Mark Schulze (DSI)
Rob Nowak (Chair, UW Madison) | Maxim Raginsky (UIUC) | Laura Balzano (UMich) | Avrim Blum (TTIC) | Rebecca Willett (UChicago) | Nati Srebro (TTIC) | Po-Ling Loh (Cambridge) | Matus Telgarsky (NYU) | Mike Franklin (UChicago)
More information forthcoming in Winter 2025.
More information forthcoming in Winter 2025.