May 20–21     Minneapolis, MN

MMLS 2024

Midwest Machine Learning Symposium

Machine Learning Research in the Midwest

About the Event

The Midwest ML Symposium aims to convene regional machine learning researchers for stimulating discussions and debates, to foster cross-institutional collaboration, and to showcase the collective talent of ML researchers at all career stages. [past events]

When: May 20–21, 2024

Where: Graduate Hotels @ Minneapolis [Google Map]

Parking and public transportation:

  • Parking
    • • Overnight guests will have the option to park in the hotel's lot at $28 per night. You can pull up in the front entrance first to check in and receive a parking pass at check-in.
    • • Event-only guests can park at Washington Avenue Parking Ramp at a maximum day rate of $15 (EV Charging Station at Level 2, and skyway to hotel at Level 3).
  • Public Transportation
    • • Metro Green Line (East Bank Station)

    Accommodation: Limited free housing is provided for student participants only, on a first-come (i.e., request)-first-serve basis.

    Stone Arch Bridge and Mississippi River       [Image Credit]
    Sponsors Apply

    The Midwest ML Symposium offers various opportunities of exposure. In addition to the satisfaction of supporting the regional Machine Learning community, you will be gratefully recognized in various media and materials and have the possibility to more closely engage with the participants.

    Contact Information: Sponsors are encouraged to contact the Midwest ML Symposium organizing committee. To discuss special requirements and to ask general questions regarding sponsorship of the Symposium, please contact us by email at:

    MN - Land of 10,000 Lakes       [Image Credit]
    2024 Organizers

    Ju Sun (Co-chair, UMN), Mingyi Hong (Co-chair, UMN), Qu Qing (UMich), Qiaomin Xie (UW Madison), Soumik Sarkar (ISU), Elena Zheleva (UIC), Jia Liu (OSU), Zhaoran Wang (Northwestern), Gesualdo Scutari (Purdue), Jinrui He (UIUC), Bo Li (UChicago), Sijia Liu (MSU), Xia Ning (OSU), Gaoxiang Luo (Web chair, UMN).

    Local Organizer Committee (UMN)

    Ju Sun (CS&E, co-chair), Mingyi Hong (ECE, co-chair), Jie Ding (Stats), Yulong Lu (Math), Saad Bedros (MnDRIVE, MnRI, CSE).

    Advisory Board

    Rob Nowak (Chair, UW Madison), Maxim Raginsky (UIUC), Laura Balzano (UMich), Mikhail Belkin (UCSD, formerly OSU), Avrim Blum (TTIC), Rebecca Willett (UChicago), Nati Srebro (TTIC), Po-Ling Loh (Cambridge, formerly UW Madison), Matus Telgarsky (UIUC), Mike Franklin (UChicago).

    Plenary Speakers

    George Karypis
    George Karypis

    Amazon & University of Minnesota

    Mikhail Belkin
    Mikhail Belkin

    University of California San Diego

    Aarti Singh
    Aarti Singh

    Carnegie Mellon University

    Jiawei Han
    Jiawei Han

    University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

    Invited Speakers

    Parisa Kordjamshidi
    Parisa Kordjamshidi

    Michigan State University

    Mengdi Huai
    Mengdi Huai

    Iowa State University

    Aditya Balu
    Aditya Balu

    Iowa State University

    Yang Chen
    Yang Chen

    University of Michigan

    Samet Oymak
    Samet Oymak

    University of Michigan

    Yulong Lu
    Yulong Lu

    University of Minnesota

    Minshuo Chen
    Minshuo Chen

    Northwestern University

    Chris Bartel
    Chris Bartel

    University of Minnesota

    Frederic Sala
    Frederic Sala

    University of Wisconsin

    Kirthevasan Kandasamy
    Kirthevasan Kandasamy

    University of Wisconsin

    Xueru Zhang
    Xueru Zhang

    Ohio State University

    Mohammad Mahdi Khalili
    Mohammad Mahdi Khalili

    Ohio State University

    Raghu Pasupathy
    Raghu Pasupathy

    Purdue University

    Murat Kocaoglu
    Murat Kocaoglu

    Purdue University

    Brian Ziebart
    Brian Ziebart

    University of Illinois Chicago

    Jiayu Zhou
    Jiayu Zhou

    Michigan State University

    Manling Li
    Manling Li

    Northwestern University

    Yuxiong Wang
    Yuxiong Wang

    University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

    Ismini Lourentzou
    Ismini Lourentzou

    University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

    Jeremy Straub
    Jeremy Straub

    North Dakota State University

    Chenhao Tan
    Chenhao Tan

    University of Chicago

    Tian Li
    Tian Li

    University of Chicago

    Scott McCloskey
    Scott McCloskey


    Tarek Haddad
    Tarek Haddad



    Topic: ThemeLLM: A Retrieval and Structuring Approach for Theme-Focused, LLM-Guided Scientific Exploration

    Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) may bring unprecedent power for scientific discovery. However, current LLMs may still encounter major challenges for effective scientific exploration due to their lack of in-depth, theme-focused data and knowledge. Retrieval augmented generation (RAG) has recently become an interesting approach for augmenting LLMs with grounded, theme-specific datasets. We discuss the challenges of RAG and propose a retrieval and structuring (RAS) approach, which enhances RAG by improving retrieval quality and mining structures (e.g., extracting entities and relations and building knowledge graphs) to ensure its effective integration of theme-specific data with LLM. We show the promise of retrieval and structuring approach at augmenting LLMs and discuss its potential power for future LLM-enabled science exploration.

    • Chong Liu - Communication-Efficient Federated Non-Linear Bandit Optimization
    • Yiping Lu - Simulation-Calibrated Scientific Machine Learning
    • Sepehr Dehdashtian - FairerCLIP: Debiasing CLIP’s Zero-Shot Predictions Using Functions in RKHSs
    • Vishnu Boddeti - On the Biometric Capacity of Generative Face Models
    • Rachel Newton - Optimality of POD for Data-Driven LQR With Low-Rank Structures
    • Paul Hieu Nguyen - Oblique Bayesian Additive Regression Trees with non-axis aligned splits
    • Shaoming Xu - Message Propagation Through Time: An Algorithm for Sequence Dependency Retention in Time Series Modeling
    • Eng Hock Lee - Enhancing Materials Discovery with the LUPI Framework: A Novel Approach for Predicting Material Properties
    • Tanawan Premsri - Tuning Language Models with Spatial Logic for Complex Reasoning


    • Speaker 1: Tian Li (U Chicago)
    • Title: Tilted Losses in Machine Learning: Theory, Applications, and Recent Advances

      Abstract: Exponential tilting is a technique commonly used in fields such as statistics, probability, information theory, and optimization to create parametric distribution shifts. In this talk, I introduce its usage in machine learning by exploring the use of tilting in risk minimization. The tilted empirical risk minimization (TERM) framework is a simple extension of ERM, which uses exponential tilting to flexibly tune the impact of individual losses. I describe several useful theoretical properties of TERM including its connections with other non-ERM objectives, and a multitude of applications regarding fairness and robustness. I will conclude the talk by discussing recent advances on leveraging the tilted risk framework to improve non-convex optimization and the statistical properties of TERM.

    • Speaker 2: Samet Oymak (UMich)
    • Title: Hybrid Architectures for Next-Generation of Language Models

      Abstract: The transformer architecture has catalyzed revolutionary advances in language modeling. However, recent convolution-based recipes, such as state-space models and Mamba, have become competitive with transformers. Motivated by this, we examine the shortcomings of purely-attention or purely-convolutional designs and how augmenting attention with convolution can provably overcome them. We first describe a diverse suite of associative recall (AR) and in-context learning tasks which aim to assess the model's capability to search the context window and retrieve relevant information to the query. We show that equipping a transformer with "short convolutions" empowers the model to solve AR tasks with length generalization and without positional encoding. Secondly, we show that, "long convolutions" provide a mechanism to effectively summarize the long context window into few summary tokens. Through this, we describe a fundamental tradeoff between the required amount of attention vs convolution: Specifically, the model can solve AR tasks by only attending these summary tokens rather than all of the context window, thereby facilitating computational efficiency. Finally, we describe MambaFormer, a hybrid Attention+Mamba model, and demonstrate its best-of-both-world performance for in-context learning. In summary, our findings reveal the fundamental benefits of augmenting transformers with convolution and advocate the use of hybrid architectures for next-generation LLMs and foundation models.

    • Speaker 3: Raghu Pasupathy (Purdue)
    • Title: Deterministic and Stochastic Frank-Wolfe Recursion on Probability Spaces

      Abstract: Motivated by an emergency response application, we consider smooth stochastic optimization problems over probability measures supported on compact subsets of the Euclidean space. With the \emph{influence function} as the first variational object, we construct a deterministic Frank-Wolfe (dFW) recursion for probability spaces. As in Euclidean spaces, dFW is made possible by a key lemma that expresses the solution to the infinite-dimensional Frank-Wolfe sub-problem as the solution to a finite-dimensional optimization problem. This in turn allows each iterate of the solution sequence to be expressed as a convex combination of the incumbent iterate and a Dirac measure concentrating on the minimum of the influence function at the incumbent iterate. To address common application contexts that have access only to Monte Carlo observations of the objective and influence function, we construct a stochastic Frank-Wolfe (sFW) variation that generates a random sequence of probability measures constructed using minima of increasingly accurate estimates of the influence function. We demonstrate that sFW's optimality gap sequence exhibits $O(1/k)$ complexity almost surely and in expectation for smooth convex objectives, and $O(1/\sqrt{k})$ (in Frank-Wolfe gap) for smooth non-convex objectives, where $k$ is the iteration count. Furthermore, we show that an easy-to-implement fixed-step, fixed-sample version of (sFW) exhibits exponential convergence to $\varepsilon$-optimality. We end with a central limit theorem on the observed objective values at the sequence of generated random measures. To further intuition, we include several illustrative examples with exact influence function calculations.

    AI for Science/Application

    • Speaker 1: Jiayu Zhou (MSU)
    • Title: Knowledge Integration Enabling AI for Scientific Discovery

      Abstract: Recent strides in artificial intelligence (AI) have set the stage for groundbreaking innovations. However, the journey towards fully harnessing AI's potential, particularly in the context of AI+X across numerous fields, has been filled with challenges. Central among these are the integration of heterogeneous data modalities, the analysis of data characterized by complex spatiotemporal structures, the adept handling of missing values, and the incorporation of domain-specific knowledge. In this talk, I will overview the scientific areas under my investigation, highlighting how each is influenced by these critical challenges. I will introduce the development of methodologies and theories aimed at enhancing knowledge integration to support multimodal learning, manage noisy datasets effectively, and facilitate the integration of domain expertise.

    • Speaker 2: Aditya Balu (ISU)
    • Title: 3D Microstructure Generation Using Conditional Latent Diffusion Models for Organic Photovoltaics

      Abstract: The development of a microstructure generation framework tailored to user-specific needs is crucial for understanding materials behavior through distinct processing-structure-property relationships. Recent advancements in generative modeling, particularly with Latent Diffusion Models (LDM), have significantly enhanced our ability to create high-quality images that fulfill specific user requirements. In this talk, we present a scalable framework that employs LDM to sample 3D microstructures (128x128x64) with over a million voxels customized to user specifications. This framework can also predict manufacturing conditions that facilitate the synthesis of sampled microstructures experimentally. Our work focuses on organic photovoltaics (OPV), but the architecture allows for potential extensions into other fields of materials science by adjusting the training dataset.

    • Speaker 3: Chris Bartel (UMN)
    • Title: Accelerating materials synthesis with machine learning

      Abstract: The emergence of high-throughput quantum chemical calculations has accelerated the rate at which we can predict new materials for various applications (batteries, solar cells, catalysts, etc.), but the successful synthesis of these materials has often become the slow step in materials design. Autonomous laboratories hold the potential to systematically explore various synthesis routes to new materials, alleviating the painstaking manual trial-and-error approach. However, for an autonomous laboratory to work for inorganic synthesis, we need methods to initialize, interpret, and optimize synthesis recipes without any human intervention. This talk will focus on the application of machine learning to the initialization (recommending precursors) and interpretation (identifying phases from X-ray diffraction) steps.

    Topic: The puzzle of dimensionality and feature learning in neural networks and kernel machines
    Abstract: Remarkable progress in AI has far surpassed expectations of just a few years ago.
    At their core, modern models, such as transformers, implement traditional statistical models -- high order Markov chains. Nevertheless, it is not generally possible to estimate Markov models of that order given any possible amount of data. Therefore these methods must implicitly exploit low-dimensional structures present in data. Furthermore, these structures must be reflected in high-dimensional internal parameter spaces of the models. Thus, to build fundamental understanding of modern AI, it is necessary to identify and analyze these latent low-dimensional structures. In this talk, I will discuss how deep neural networks of various architectures learn low-dimensional features and how the lessons of deep learning can be incorporated in non-backpropagation-based algorithms that we call Recursive Feature Machines. I will provide a number of experimental results on different types of data, as well as some connections to classical sparse learning methods, such as Iteratively Reweighted Least Squares.

    Decision Making/RL

    • Speaker 1: Kirthevasan (kirthi) Kandasamy (U Wisc)
    • Title: Data without Borders: Game-theoretic Challenges in Democratizing Data

      Abstract: Due to the popularity of machine learning, many organizations view data as an invaluable resource, likening it to the "new oil/gold". However, unlike many types of resources, data is nonrivalrous: it can be freely replicated and used by many. Hence, data produced by one organization, can, in principle, generate limitless value to many others. This will accelerate economic, social, and scientific breakthroughs and benefit society at large. However, considerations of free-riding and competition may prevent such open sharing of data between organizations. An organization may be wary that others may not be contributing a sufficient amount of data, or contributing fabricated/poisoned datasets. Organizations may also wish to monetize the data they have for profit. In some recent work, we leverage ideas from game theory, market design, and robust statistics to design protocols for data sharing. Our methods incentivize organizations to collect and truthfully contribute large amounts of data, so that socially optimal outcomes can be achieved.
      In this talk, I will present a high level view of some of our recent approaches to solving these challenges and focus on a mean estimation problem. Here, a set of strategic agents collect i.i.d samples from a high dimensional distribution at a cost, and wish to estimate the mean of this distribution. To facilitate collaboration, we design mechanisms that incentivize agents to collect a sufficient amount of data and share it truthfully, so that they are all better off than working alone. Our approach prevents under-collection and data fabrication via two key techniques: first, when sharing the others’ data with an agent, the mechanism corrupts this dataset proportional to how much the data reported by the agent differs from the others; second, we design minimax optimal estimators for the corrupted dataset. Our mechanism, which is Nash incentive compatible and individually rational, achieves a social penalty (sum of all agents’ estimation errors and data collection costs) that is close to the global minimum.

    • Speaker 2: Brian Ziebart (UIC)
    • Title: Aligned Imitation Learning for More Capable Imitators

      Abstract: Given demonstrations of sequential decision making, imitation learning seeks a policy that performs competitively with the demonstrator (when evaluated on the demonstrator's unknown reward function). Prevalent imitation learning methods assume that demonstrations are (near-)optimal. For example, inverse reinforcement learning estimates a reward function that best rationalizes demonstrations, and then imitates using a policy that optimizes the estimated reward function. As imitators become more capable than demonstrators, the (near-)optimality assumption does not hold and these methods can lead to value misalignment. This talk presents subdominance minimization as an alternative imitation learning objective for robustly aligning the imitator with the demonstrator's reward function, even under differences in demonstrator-imitator capabilities.

    • Speaker 3: Frederic Sala (U Wisc)
    • Title: Data-Efficient Adaptation for Pretrained Decision-Making Models

      Abstract: The use of pretrained models forms the major paradigm change in machine learning workflows this decade, including for decision making. These powerful and typically massive models have the promise to be used as a base for diverse applications. Unfortunately, it turns out that adapting these models for downstream tasks tends to be difficult and expensive, often requiring collecting and labeling additional data to further train or fine-tune the model. In this talk, I will describe my group's work on addressing this challenge via efficient adaptation. First, when adapting vision-language models to make robust predictions, we show how to self-guide the adaptation process, without any additional data. Second, we show how to integrate relational structures like knowledge graphs into model prediction pipelines, enabling models to adapt to new domains unseen during training, without additional annotated examples. Lastly, in the most challenging scenarios, when the model must be fine-tuned on labeled data, we show how to obtain this data efficiently through techniques called weak supervision.

    • Speaker 4: Yulong Lu (UMN)
    • Title: On the generalization of diffusion models in high dimensions

      Abstract: Diffusion models, particularly score-based generative models (SGMs), have emerged as powerful tools in diverse machine learning applications, spanning from computer vision to modern language processing. In this talk, I will discuss about the generalization theory of SGMs for learning high-dimensional distributions. Our analysis show that SGMs achieve a dimension-free generation error bound when applied to a class of sub-Gaussian distributions characterized by certain low-complexity structures.


    • Speaker 1: Ismini Lourentzou (UIUC)
    • Title: Zero-Shot Natural Language Video Localization

      Abstract: Zero-shot Natural Language-Video Localization (NLVL) has emerged as a promising approach by training NLVL models exclusively on raw video data. Most methods employ dynamic video proposal and pseudo-query annotation generation modules to extract video segments and their corresponding text queries. However, a common challenge encountered is effectively grounding the generated textual annotations within the source video context. This talk will explore the importance of commonsense as a cross-modal grounding mechanism for zero-shot NLVL and highlight possible future directions in cross-modal understanding.

    • Speaker 2: Parisa Kordjamshidi (MSU)
    • Title: Compositional Reasoning over Natural Language Leveraging Neuro-Symbolic AI

      Abstract: Recent research indicates that large language models lack consistent reliability in tasks requiring complex reasoning. While they may impress us with fluently written articles prompted by user input, they can easily disappoint us by displaying shortcomings in basic reasoning skills, such as understanding that "left" is the opposite of "right." To address real-world problems, computational models often need to involve multiple interdependent learners, along with significant levels of composition and reasoning based on additional knowledge beyond available data. In this talk, I will discuss our findings and novel models for compositional reasoning over complex linguistic structures. I will highlight our efforts in neuro-symbolic modeling to integrate explicit symbolic knowledge and enhance the compositional generalization of neural learning models. Additionally, I will introduce DomiKnowS, our library that facilitates neuro-symbolic modeling. DomiKnowS framework exploits both symbolic and sub-symbolic representations to solve complex, AI-complete problems. It seamlessly integrates domain knowledge in the form of logical constraints in deep models through various underlying algorithms.

    • Speaker 3: Manling Li (Northwestern)
    • Title: The Missing Knowledge in LLMs to Perceive and Interact with Physical World

      Abstract: Recent breakthroughs in foundation models have unlocked exciting possibilities for embodied AI agents that can perceive and interact with the physical world. However, despite their impressive performance on various benchmarks, these models perceive images as bags of words. In detail, they use object understanding as a shortcut but lacks ability to do abstraction and reasoning, such as solving a maze. To acquire knowledge about the physical world, we initially categorize it based on its low-level physical and geometric visual features (from semantic to geometric) and its long horizon (from short/fast thinking to long/slow thinking). My research aims to bring this knowledge view to the multimodal world. Such a transformation poses significant challenges: (1) abstracting multimodal low-level geometric structures by introducing and training a low-level abstract layer that serves as a mental model; (2) enabling long-horizon reasoning by inducing complex patterns. Subsequently, we will examine the reason of hallucinations and explore potential methods for ensuring factuality through knowledge-driven approaches, with applications such as meeting summarization, timeline generation, and question answering. I will then lay out how I plan to promote factuality and truthfulness in multimodal information access, through a structured knowledge abstraction that is easily explainable, highly compositional, and capable of long-horizon reasoning.

    • Speaker 4: Scott McCloskey (Kitware)
    • Title: End-to-end Machine Learning for Co-optimized Sensing and Computer Vision

      Abstract: Many sensors produce data that rarely, if ever, is viewed by a human, and yet sensors are often designed to maximize subjective image quality. For sensors whose data is intended for embedded exploitation, maximizing the subjective image quality to a human will generally decrease the performance of downstream exploitation. In recent years, computational imaging researchers have developed end-to-end learning methods that co-optimize the sensing hardware with downstream exploitation via end-to-end machine learning. This talk will describe two such approaches at Kitware. In the first, we use an end-to-end ML approach to design a multispectral sensor that’s optimized for scene segmentation and, in the second, we optimize post-capture super-resolution in order to improve the performance of airplane detection in overhead imagery.

    Topic: Leveraging human factors in autonomous decision making

    Abstract: Real-world deployments require AI systems that continually interact with their environment making decisions about what data to collect and what actions to take to continually improve their performance. A key component of this decision making environment are humans. In this talk, I will discuss two settings where we leverage human factors in sequential decision making algorithms, specifically bandit optimization algorithms. The first is where human judgement is available in the form of preferences that can be queried in an interactive fashion, in addition to direct rewards. The second is where we include memory effects so the reward depends on the number of times an action has been recommended to a user. We demonstrate how leveraging these human factors can not only align AI goals with human expectations, but also sometimes simplify the problem setting to enable sample efficient decision making.

    • Mahdi Masmoudi - Mechanics-Informed Autoencoder Enables Automated Detection and Localization of Unforeseen Structural Damage
    • Vidit Agrawal - Accelerating Ensemble Error Bar Prediction with Single Models Fits
    • Aamuktha Kottapalli - Deciphering Bacterial Genomes: A New Frontier in Ortholog Prediction and Genomic Conservation
    • Md Masudur Rahman - Natural Language-based State Representation in Deep Reinforcement Learning
    • Mahsa Khosravi - Ultra-precision robotic pest control using deep reinforcement learning
    • Joshua Waite - DIMAT: Decentralized Iterative Merging-And-Training for Deep Learning Models
    • Peng Le - Direct Metric Optimization for Imbalanced Classification
    • Shivi Dixit - Decision-Focused Surrogate Modeling for Mixed-Integer Linear Optimization
    • Md Zahid Hasan - Vision-Language Models Can Identify Distracted Driver Behavior From Naturalistic Videos
    • Bingqing Song - Unravelling Transformers: Convergence, Training Dynamics, and In-context Inference


    • Speaker 1: Yuxiong Wang (UIUC; REMOTE)
    • Title: All-in-One: Bridging Generative and Discriminative Learning in the Open World

      Abstract: Generative AI has emerged as the new wave following discriminative AI, as exemplified by various powerful generative models including visual diffusion models and large language models (LLMs). While these models excel at generating images, text, and videos, mere creation is not the ultimate goal. A grand objective lies in understanding and making decisions in the world through the generation process. In this talk, I discuss our efforts towards bridging generative and discriminative learning, empowering autonomous agents to perceive, interact, and act in the open world.
      I begin by elaborating on how we advance generative modeling to be geometry-aware, physics-informed, and multi-modal in the 4D world. Next, I delve into several representative strategies that exploit generative models to improve comprehension of the 4D world. These strategies include repurposing latent representations within generative models, treating them as data engines, and more broadly, formulating generative models, especially LLMs, as agents for problem-solving and decision-making. Finally, I explore how to synergize knowledge from different generative models in the context of modeling human-object interaction. Throughout the talk, I demonstrate the potential of generative AI in scaling up open-world, in-the-wild perception across application domains such as transportation, robotics, and agriculture.

    • Speaker 2: Minshuo Chen (Northwestern)
    • Title: Cracking Diffusion Models for High-D Modeling towards Generative Optimization

      Abstract: Deep generative AI, e.g., diffusion models, achieves state-of-the-art performance in various high-dimensional data modeling tasks. Such empirical successes have been challenging conventional wisdom. In this talk, we will focus on diffusion models to explore their methodology and theory. We will first understand how diffusion models efficiently model complex high-dimensional data, especially when there are low-dimensional structures in them. Then, we leverage our understanding of diffusion models to motivate a next-generation optimization method, termed “generative optimization”. Specifically, we utilize diffusion models as a data-driven solution generator to an unknown objective function. We propose a learning-labeling-generating algorithm incorporating the targeted function value as guidance to the diffusion model. Theoretically, we show that in the offline setting, the generated solutions yield large function values on average. Meanwhile, the generated solutions closely respect the data intrinsic structures in the training set. Empirically, we demonstrate a good synergy of generative optimization with reinforcement learning.

    • Speaker 3: Yang Chen (UMich)
    • Title: Tensor Gaussian Process with Contraction for Multi-Channel Imaging Analysis

      Abstract: Multi-channel imaging data is a prevalent data format in astronomy and biology. The structured information and the high dimensionality of these 3-D tensor data make the analysis an intriguing but challenging topic for statisticians and practitioners. In previous works, the low-rank scalar-on-tensor regression model has been re-formulated as a tensor Gaussian Process (Tensor-GP) model with a multi-linear kernel. We extend the Tensor-GP model by integrating a linear but interpretable dimensionality reduction technique, called tensor contraction, with a Tensor-GP for a scalar-on-tensor regression task. We first estimate a latent, reduced-size tensor for each data tensor and then apply a multi-linear Tensor-GP on the latent tensor data for prediction. We introduce an anisotropic total-variation regularization when conducting the tensor contraction to obtain a sparse and smooth latent tensor. We then propose an alternating proximal gradient descent algorithm for estimation. We validate and apply our approach via extensive simulation studies and to the solar flare forecasting problem.


    • Speaker 1: Mengdi Huai (ISU)
    • Title: Malicious Attacks through Machine Unlearning

      Abstract: Machine unlearning, a novel paradigm designed to remove data from models without requiring complete retraining, has recently drawn significant attention for its potential to enhance user privacy. Despite its increasing application, the majority of research has concentrated on enhancing its effectiveness and efficiency, while largely overlooking the security risks it introduces. This gap in research is critical, as there exists the potential for malicious users, who may have contributed to the training data, to exploit these vulnerabilities. They could conduct attacks by submitting deceptive unlearning requests, aiming to manipulate the behavior of the unlearned model. In this talk, I will introduce our recent study which investigates these potential malicious attacks facilitated by machine unlearning.

    • Speaker 2: Mahdi Khalili (OSU)
    • Title: Fair Machine Learning through Counterfactual Reasoning

      Abstract: The use of machine learning models in high-stake applications (e.g., healthcare, lending, college admission) has raised growing concerns due to potential biases against protected social groups. Various fairness notions and methods have been proposed to mitigate such biases. This talk focuses on Counterfactual Fairness (CF), a fairness notion that relies on an underlying causal graph and requires the outcome an individual perceives in the real world to be the same as it would be in a "counterfactual" world, in which the individual belongs to another social group.
      In this talk, I will present a novel method for generating counterfactually fair representations. I will show, both theoretically and empirically, that machine learning models trained on these representations can achieve perfect counterfactual fairness. Our proposed method improves the fairness-accuracy trade-off compared to existing methods, making it a promising solution for training counterfactually fair AI models.

    • Speaker 3: Murat Kocaoglu (Purdue)
    • Title: Causal Machine Learning: Fundamentals and Applications

      Abstract: Causal knowledge is central to solving complex decision-making problems in many fields from engineering to medicine. Causal inference has also recently been identified as a key capability to remedy some of the issues modern machine learning systems suffer from, from explainability and fairness to generalization. In this talk, we first provide a short introduction to probabilistic causal inference. Next, we discuss some of the recent developments from the CausalML Lab. Specifically, we will discuss how deep learning can be used for answering causal questions in the high-dimensional setting with applications in machine learning.

    Topic: Graph Machine Learning and Neural Network Research at AWS AI

    Abstract: During just a few years, Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have emerged as the prominent supervised learning approach that brings the power of deep representation learning to graph and relational data. An ever-growing body of research has shown that GNNs achieve state-of-the-art performance for problems such as link prediction, fraud detection, target-ligand binding activity prediction, knowledge-graph completion, and product recommendations. As a result, GNNs are quickly moving from the realm of academic research involving small graphs to powering commercial applications and very large graphs. This talk will provide an overview of some of the research that AWS AI has been doing to facilitate this transition.

    Panel Discussion

    • Panelist 1: Scott McCloskey (Assistant Director of Computer Vision, Kitware)
    • Panelist 2: Tarek Haddad (Technical Fellow and Director of the AI Research Group, Medtronic)
    • Panelist 3: Soumitri Kolavennu (Head of AI Research, US Bank)
    • Panelist 4: Baishali Chaudhury (Senior Algorithms Engineer, KLA)

    Policy Society/Human Center

    • Speaker 1: Xueru Zhang (OSU)
    • Title: Automating data annotation under social dynamics: risks and potential solutions

      Abstract: As machine learning (ML) is increasingly used in social domains to make consequential decisions about humans, it often has the power to reshape individual data and population distributions. Humans, as strategic agents, continuously adapt their behaviors in response to the learning system. As populations change dynamically, ML system also needs frequent updates to ensure high performance on targeted populations. However, acquiring high-quality human-annotated samples can be highly challenging and even infeasible in social domains. A common practice to address this issue is to use ML model itself to annotate unlabeled data samples. Yet, it remains unclear what happens when ML models are retrained with such model-annotated samples, especially when they incorporate human strategic responses. In this talk, I will discuss the societal impacts of this practice. I will first highlight potential risks of retraining ML models using model-annotated samples collected from strategic human agents, and then introduce the mitigation solutions.

    • Speaker 2: Jeremy Straub (NDSU)
    • Title: Hybrid AI May Hold the Key to the Next Generation of AI Capabilities

      Abstract: With the recent focus on generative artificial intelligence (GAI) and significant interest in neural network-based AI techniques prior to this, many other techniques have recently received less focus. Pronouncements from AI industry luminaries suggest, though, that GAI - at least in its current form - may be nearing the end of its current 'branch' on the research 'tree'. Because of this, this presentation discusses how hybrids of non-neural network techniques and hybrids with neural network techniques may be the key to further advancing AI and its successful application to many areas.

    • Speaker 3: Chenhao Tan (U Chicago)
    • Title: Towards Human-centered AI: Predicting Fatigue and Generating Hypothesis with LLMs

      Abstract: Human-centered AI advocates the shift from emulating humans to empowering people so that AI can benefit humanity. In this talk, I discuss two directions on using LLMs to address challenging tasks for humans. First, I show that LLMs can be used to predict physician fatigue from clinical notes and reveal hidden racial biases: physicians appear more fatigued when seeing Hispanic and Black patients than White patients. Second, I present a recent work on generating novel hypotheses based on observed data. Our algorithm is able to enable an interpretable hypothesis-based classifier that makes accurate predictions. Moreover, the generated hypotheses not only corroborate human-verified theories but also uncover new insights for the tasks. I will conclude with some exciting future directions.


    List of Posters & Lightning Talks with Assigned Sessions.

    Poster FAQ

    What is the maximum poster size?

    Max size: 30 inch (H) X 40 inch (W).

    How are the Travel awards decided?

    This will be decided after the poster sessions, and best poster presentations will be selected based on the voting of a judge committee.

    Will the selected posters for lightning talks be awarded the travel awards?

    Not necessarily. Again, the final decision will mostly be based on the voting of a judge committee.

    Will lightning talk speakers be allowed to present their posters also?

    Yes, they are expected to do both.

    Why my co-authors' names not displayed in the poster listing? What if I want to add more coauthors?

    We only include the the names you provided during registration (in form or in PDF) for identification purpose. Feel free to include the names of all contributing authors in your final poster.

    I registered and planned to present a poster, but have to cancel it due to my changed schedule.

    No worries. We'll keep the assignment as is to keep logistics easy. We understand some of the authors won't be able to make it.

    Any onsite poster printing?

    We recommend Coffman Union Digital Print Center. You can email your printing request and info to them via, and come and pick the poster up during their office hours Monday-Friday 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. For a poster of size 30 inch x 40 inch, the estimated price is ~$66

    Platinum Sponsors

    Gold Sponsors

    Silver Sponsors

    Bronze Sponsors

    Registration Form

    Please click the link below to register for attendance (required).

    Registration deadline is extended to April 30, 2024.


    Code of Conduct

    The Midwest Machine Learning Symposium is a forum for community-building and scholarly exchange, and we hope to foster a welcoming and positive environment for everyone. We will not tolerate any form of harassment, discrimination, or abuse. As a general code of conduct, we will adopt the ACM Policy Against Harassment. Since the event will be held on the grounds of the University of Minnesota Twin Cities, participants should also be aware of the UMN policies.

    To report an incident or discuss any concerns, please approach an MMLS 2024 co-chair or email You may also use the UMN reporting options, including reaching out to the Title IX coordinator.